[racket] Omitting files when creating a package with raco planet create

From: Lawrence Woodman (lwoodman at vlifesystems.com)
Date: Tue Aug 6 15:25:54 EDT 2013

On 08/06/13 16:32, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Lawrence Woodman wrote at 08/06/2013 11:15 AM:
>> So I now know what will be in the archives, but is there anyway of 
>> restricting
>> what goes into a package?
> If you use McFly to build your PLaneT archive file, there is a feature 
> for this.  The "mcfly-files" variable that "raco mcfly init" creates 
> in the "info.rkt" lets you itemize a directory tree, with some 
> shortcuts if you want to use them. 
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/mcfly-tools/

Thanks,  I noticed your use of McFly and am starting to realize why 
now.  I'll look at it some more.


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