[racket] scribble/lp issues
I'm trying to start using scribble/lp and ran into some issues.
1. When I switch a buffer from scribble/base to scribble/lp, if I have
no chunks I get an error. Why is this? It certainly isn't needed for
typesetting; for assembling code during execution, when there are no
chunk's why isn't it equivalent to require'ing an empty file?
2. There is an lp-include but this is like include, not
include-section. This makes it difficult to use in a larger document.
I am currently creating an empty shadow file like this:
#lang scribble/base
@(require scribble/lp-include)
and @include-section'ing that. (But hey, at least "it works".)
3. When I switch to scribble/lp, all my non-chunk codeblocks seem to
lose their color formatting! The exact same @codeblock{...} that is
nice and colored in scribble/base now looks more like @verbatim{...}
in scribble/lp; only the code associated with @chunk[...]s is colored.
Is there a reason for (1), a better way to do (2), and a way around
(3)? The third is the closest to a show-stopper.