[racket] Question

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hashcollision.org)
Date: Wed Sep 5 17:17:12 EDT 2012

On Wednesday, September 5, 2012, Ashley Fowler wrote:

>  Can anybody help me with this problem? I have an idea but would like
> some suggestions on how to start. The problem is below..

Try some finger exercises first.

Can you write a function that consumes a list of words and returns the
first word?

Can you write a function that consumes a list of words and returns the
second word?

Can you write a function that consumes a list of words and returns a list
holding just the first word?

Can you write a function that consumes a list of words and returns a list
holding just the first and second words?

Try those simpler problems first.  Do you know how to do them?
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