[racket] Losing decimal in SQL Server query result

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryan at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Oct 31 22:05:07 EDT 2012

ODBC claims to only support precisions up to 15, so maybe it's 
overreacting to the unsupported precision by truncating the number to an 

Can you try casting the field to a lower-precision numeric and let me 
know what happens? For example,

   select cast(creditawarded as numeric(10,4)) from ....

Another possible workaround for now would be to cast the field to a 
varchar and call string->number on the result.

I'll see if I can figure out what's going on, but I don't have a SQL 
Server test environment handy.


On 10/31/2012 05:07 PM, Greg Graham wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I attempting to use the Racket db interface to access a Microsoft SQL
> Server 2005 database. The field "creditaward" is defined as
> numeric(19,7), and in the case of the following query, I should get a
> value of 1.25 rather than 1. Anyone have an idea how I get to the
> fractional part?
> The code:
> #lang racket
> (require db)
> (define dbc (odbc-connect ...))
> (query dbc "select creditawarded from ea7studentgrades where ea7studentcoursesid=58170")
> The results:
> (rows-result
>   '(((name . "creditawarded")
>      (typeid . 2)
>      (size . 19)
>      (digits . 7)))
>   '(#(1)))
> Here is the result of the same query using SQL Server Management Studio:
>      creditawarded
>      1.2500000
> -Greg
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