[racket] Scribble Planet problem

From: Erich Rast (erich at snafu.de)
Date: Tue Oct 2 15:06:52 EDT 2012

Thanks Danny!

The import statement shows up correctly now, but I still get a
corrupted search function in the Racket documentation when the package
is installed. I've overlooked an error during package installation
earlier, here it is:

make-script: unexpected value rendered: '((font ((class "badlink"))
(span ((class "indexlink")) (span ((class "RktPn")) "(") (span ((class
"RktSym")) (span ((class "RktStxLink")) "planet")) (span ((class
"stt")) " ") (span ((class "RktSym")) "erast/fileutils:1:=0") (span
((class "RktPn")) ")"... PLaneT: raco setup: re-rendering:
scribblings/main/user/start.scrbl raco setup: error: during Building
docs for /usr/share/racket/collects/scribblings/main/user/search.scrbl
raco setup:   make-script: unexpected value rendered: '((font ((class
"badlink")) (span ((class "indexlink")) (span ((class "RktPn")) "(")
(span ((class "RktSym")) (span ((class "RktStxLink")) "planet")) (span
((class "stt")) " ") (span ((class "RktSym")) "erast/fileutils:1:=0")
(span ((class "RktPn")) ")"...

What does it mean?

My docs compile fine in the IDE, so it's hard for me to track down the
error. I have attached the scrbl file in question and hope someone
can point out the problem to me.



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