[racket] Redex Reduction rule
I have bought the book on Redex, but i am still in difficulty on the following point :
- I have defined a grammar describing processus (obtained from the unfolding of Petri nets).
- I am blocked on the definition of a firing rule allowing to fire an event e_i when a set of condition ⊕ b_1 b_2 ... is present.
(define-language Process-lang
[n variable bool b e (¬ n)] ; node
[bool t f] ; boolean
[e variable (¬ e)] ; event
[b variable (¬ b)] ; condition
[on ⊕ ⊥] ; n-nary operators (building operator and exclusion)
[o2 ≺] ; binary operators (causality)
; process
[P variable (⊕ Q ... )]
[Q variable P n]
[C-P (⊕ C-P P) (⊕ P C-P) hole]
; Conflicts
[X variable (⊥ Y ... )]
[Y variable X n ]
[C-X (⊥ C-X P) (⊥ P C-X) hole]
; Expression
[E variable (on F ...) (b o2 e) (P o2 X)]
[F variable E P ]
[C-E (on C-E E) (on E C-E) (E o2 C-E) (C-E o2 E) hole]
(define Process-red
(--> (in-hole C-E (⊕ b_1 ... E_1 ... ((⊕ b_2 ...) ≺ n) E_2 ...))
(in-hole C-E ( ?????.....?????? ?) "Caus_1"))
I want to find a rule allowing to reduce
(b_2 ≺ (⊥ e_3 e_2))
(e_2 ≺ b_6)
(e_6 ≺ b_7)
(b_7 ≺ e_7)
(e_4 ≺ b_5)
(b_5 ≺ e_5)
(b_3 ≺ (⊥ e_4 e_6))
((⊕ b_3 b_6) ≺ e_6)
((⊕ b_3 b_4) ≺ e_4))
(b_2 ≺ (⊥ e_3 e_2))
(e_2 ≺ b_6)
(e_6 ≺ b_7)
(b_7 ≺ e_7)
(e_4 ≺ b_5)
(b_5 ≺ e_5)
(b_3 ≺ (⊥ e_4 e_6))
((⊕ b_3 b_6) ≺ e_6)
b_3 and b_4 have been used to produce e_4
(joined the entire files)
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David Delfieu, tel : 02 40 90 50 45
EC à Polytech'Nantes - Département Génie Électrique
Site de Gavy, 44603 Saint Nazaire Cedex
Chercheur à L'IRCCyN