[racket] Contracts and submodules
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Robby Findler
<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> The main value of putting contracts on modules is, in my opinion, that
> you can pinpoint blame.
Contracts also make a great development/debugging tool. Internally in
my 2d-byte array getters and setters I'm using unsafe-bytes-ref and
unsafe-bytes-set! for speed but while I'm developing I've put
contracts on these getters and setters to check for array bounds
errors. I can then remove these contracts when I'm satisfied with the
correctness of my code.
And then to enable/disable contracts you can use the method Mathias
pointed out here.
Or this behavour of contracts with submodules lets you do it slightly
differently, the top module with contracts and a single submodule that
bypasses those contracts. I.e.
#lang racket ;;some-function.rkt
(provide (contract-out [ident-number (-> number? number?)]))
(define (ident-number x) x)
(module+ without-contracts
(provide ident-number)) ;provide functions without contracts
Then for contracts enabled
#lang racket
(require "some-function.rkt")
(ident-number 'a)
For contracts disabled
#lang racket
(require (submod "some-function.rkt" without-contracts))
(ident-number 'a)
Harry Spier