[racket] StringBuilder for Racket?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 26 13:16:18 EST 2012

I would use something like

 (car (regexp-match #rx#"^[^\0]*" in))

to read a null-terminated byte string from `in'. You'd need a slightly
different regexp depending on whether you want to consume the nul
terminator and allow EOF as a terminator. Change the `#rx#' to `#rx' if
you want to constrain the input to UTF-8-encoded characters, then use
`bytes->string/utf-8' to get from bytes to a string.

To accumulate characters more generally, a string output port is
probably a good choice. Use `open-output-string' to create the port,
`write-string' to add characters to the end, and `get-output-string' to
retrieve the accumulated string.

At Mon, 26 Nov 2012 22:01:15 +0400, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a trivial task: read a null-terminated string from a stream.
> The size of the string has no predefined limit. How do I do that
> in Racket? I need some resizable thing to store characters,
> like vector<char> in C++ or StringBuilder in C# or Java.
> Does Racket have one?
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
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