[racket] Online compilation button missing on 5.3.1 and Lubuntu 12.04?
Racket 5.3.1 32 bit Ubuntu Karmic download for Lubuntu 12.04 32 bit.
Blew away my config directory and started it up. Set lang line and
opened a file.
Was expecting a little colored LED to the right of the little man in
the bottom right hand corner, but there is none. When I right click it
the menu item to disable it shows up though.
I added this:
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define add1
(lambda (n)
(+ n 1)))
And then added
(addz 1)
addz doesn't get flagged as an error. When I hit run it shows up as an
error though.
Anyone else face this? I searched for it and didn't find anything.