[racket] On Cooperating Macros

From: Ray Racine (ray.racine at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Nov 16 17:16:10 EST 2012

I've run across a few things mentioning cooperating macros, something I'm
working through.

Consider the following in a source file "nest.rkt"

So in this example each expansion of the two defined macros in the `nest'
module sees mutually mutable state at meta level 1.

And of course in a separate source module, say "bird-watcher.rkt" with the

#lang racket

(require "nest.rkt")

(define the-nest


;; end-of-module

One sees that the mutable state is not maintained across modules.  i.e.,
Not cooperating.  All, I'm guessing, a direct consequence of the "Immutable
Laws Of Flatt" (ILOF), "You Want It When", and "Modules, Visitations and
Instantiations, Oh My".

BUT, the ILOF has a backdoor[1], there exists a meta level wormhole which
allows state to tunnel through modules and expansions.  If one were to use
`define-syntax' at compile time (during meta level 1) to bind a
non-procedure value, one can rat-hole state which is subsequently
accessible via `syntax-local-value' in an a different macro expansion at
meta level 1, in a different module. i.e., the macros now can cooperate.
 Here I'm taking "cooperate" as synonymous with shared mutable state.

Based on what I think I understand, I can rejigger my bird net examples
to cooperate using the wormhole.

So assuming the above is more-or-less correct, can cooperating macros be
accomplished solely via the application of module require / provide at
proper meta levels.  One one hand, I'm visualizing a `define-syntax'
binding a non-procedure value at compile time (meta 1) as in essence
pushing the value up into meta 2.  And the `syntax-local-value' as reaching
out from meta 1 into meta 2 to fetch the state down.  It's global because
meta layer 2 is a single global environment in which meta 1 syntax
transformers are evaluated.

On the other, other hand I visualize that during module visitations and
instantiations the _only_ thing which can _cross_ meta levels is syntax.
i.e. syntax at meta level N can be lifted into meta level N+1, transformed
and returned back to meta level N.  But as only syntax crosses
meta boundaries, hence the define-syntax and syntax-local-value backdoor.

Or another way of phrasing the question, "Can one write cooperating macros
without resorting to the use of `define-syntax' and `syntax-local-value'".
  If yes, how?



[1] Seems the only true immutable law in CS is, there's always a backdoor.
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