[racket] TR memory optimization: 240 Bytes of garbage for calling TR?

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Sun Nov 11 14:48:05 EST 2012

On Nov 11, 2012, at 10:36 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 10, 2012 at 11:07 PM, John Clements
> <clements at brinckerhoff.org> wrote:
>> On Nov 10, 2012, at 7:29 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
>>> If you're calling from Racket to TR then you have the contract
>>> checking and probably the floats flowing thru there need boxing.
>> If I understand you correctly, the contract checking would just be "is this a float?" which I imagine wouldn't require additional memory. Certainly the return value would have to be boxed, and that would definitely be eight bytes, I'm guessing.
> There's also the allocation overhead involved in wrapping the
> function, plus probably lots of other places where unboxing is
> inhibited.

When you say "wrapping the function", it sounds like a once-per execution thing, not a once-per-call thing.

Okay, while I've got you, my recollection is that you wrote a bunch of the decompiler. so, in this decompiled definition:

     (lambda (arg0-117)
       '(flags: preserves-marks single-result)
       '(captures: #%modvars (_d1 _g21 _v1 _m1 _c1))
       (let ((local118
                (#%flonum flvector-ref _v1 (#%checked _c1))
                (#%flonum unsafe-fl* '0.46 (#%checked _m1))))))
         (let ((local125
                 (#%flonum unsafe-fl* _g21 (#%from-flonum local118))
             (#%flonum flvector-set! _v1 (#%checked _c1) local125)
             (let ((local133 (#%in add1 (#%checked _c1))))
                 (set! (#%checked _c1) (if (#%in <= _d1 local133) '0 local133))
                 (set! (#%checked _m1) (#%from-flonum local118))

... it looks like most of the places where I want to avoid unboxing are already correctly marked with (#%from-flonum...), which the documentation suggests will allow unboxing. It looks to me like the uses of  #%checked could be avoided by some kind of type cleverness, though it's not clear to me whether uses of #%checked are going to cause allocation, or just consume CPU time.

Also; can I assume from the separate presentation of 'comb1'--and the fact that this code doesn't appear anywhere else in the decompiled file--that it hasn't been inlined?

>>> Can you put the loop itself into TR?
>> Sadly, no; the loops themselves are written by students. Or, more specifically, written by students as  a "network" form that expands into a function that's called in a loop. I think that expanding into TR would be incredibly hard to get right.
> I'm not sure why this would be.  Is the code students write unrestricted?

Pretty much, yes. So, for instance, a student might write:

 (network ()
          [s ((looper song2))]
          [ctr ((loop-ctr 0 1))]
          [on? (toggle ctr)]
          [out (reverb s)]))

where the signals take on float, boolean, or any kind of value. This expands into something containing this "inner loop" procedure:

(lambda ()
  (define s (n1))
  (define ctr (n2))
  (define on? (toggle ctr))
  (define out (reverb s))
  (set! saved-s s)
  (set! saved-ctr ctr)
  (set! saved-on? on?)
  (set! saved-out out)

It would be pretty hard to assign types any tighter than "any" to these rhs expressions.

Thanks in advance for any advice!


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