[racket] An easy route to define-datatype in BSL?
At Sun, 04 Nov 2012 16:59:26 -0500, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
> I'm debating trying to use something like define-datatype, as used in
> EOPL and PLAI (and available in the Racket languages that support those
> books) early in my first-year undergraduate class. (Opinions on the
> wisdom of this, or on my sanity in general, by direct e-mail, please.)
> In a teaching-language program, just using `require' to include
> define-datatype and type-case or 'cases' from plai/datatype.rkt or
> eopl/datatype.rkt appears to work so long as the teaching language is
> ISL or higher. In BSL or BSL+, I seem to be running into a thicket of
> rules designed to protect students. I'm using as my exploratory example
> the trivial arithmetic expression evaluator from the beginning of PLAI
> (2007 edition). Using plai/datatype.rkt generates an error because a use
> of define-datatype involves function names in expression positions (as
> contracts for field names). If I wrap these in applications of
> first-order->higher-order from lang/prim, which seems to be designed for
> this task, I get an error the first time I try to use a variant
> constructor (in the PLAI example, in 'parse'). The constructors seem to
> be defined, but also seem to be regarded as variables instead of
> functions. This is also what happens with eopl/datatype.rkt (the other
> error does not seem to arise).
> Do I have a hope of pulling this off, and if so, how? Many thanks. --PR
Here's a first cut at a module that you can import into BSL programs.
The least obvious part is defining a new `define-type' and `type-case'
that invents hidden names for the variants and them maps between them
while expanding to the original forms.
#lang racket/base
(require plai/datatype
(prefix-in beginner: lang/htdp-beginner)
(for-syntax racket/base
(provide (rename-out
[my-define-type define-type]
[my-type-case type-case]))
(define-for-syntax variants (make-free-identifier-mapping))
(define-for-syntax (record-variants! vars x-vars)
(for ([var (in-list vars)]
[x-var (in-list x-vars)])
(free-identifier-mapping-put! variants var x-var)))
(define-syntax (my-define-type stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ ty [var (fld ctc) ...] ...)
(with-syntax ([(x-var ...)
(map (lambda (s)
(symbol->string (syntax-e s)))
(syntax->list #'(var ...)))])
(define (adjust new-stx)
;; `define-type' seems to use the context of the
;; form for `ty?', so copy over old context
(datum->syntax stx (syntax-e new-stx) stx stx))
#'(define-type ty
[x-var (fld (first-order->higher-order ctc)) ...]
(beginner:define (var fld ...)
(x-var fld ...))
(record-variants! (list #'var ...) (list #'x-var ...)))))]))
(define-syntax (my-type-case stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ Ty e [var (id ...) rhs] ...)
(with-syntax ([(x-var ...)
(map (lambda (var)
(or (free-identifier-mapping-get
(lambda ()
"not a variant name"
(syntax->list #'(var ...)))])
#`(type-case Ty e [x-var (id ...) rhs] ...))]))