[racket] Looping with look-behind and look-forward
I think I've come up with a simpler form to do this.
(define (running-average-of-3 l)
( [prior (in-list l)]
[x (in-list (rest l))]
[next (in-list (rest (rest l)))])
(displayln (/ (+ x prior next) 3))))
(running-average-of-3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
So I can do something like:
(define (f1 l)
(for/fold ([result-list '()])
( [prior (in-list (append '() l))]
[x (in-list l)]
[next (in-list (append (rest l) '()))])
... make new-result-element using x prior and next...
(cons new-result-element result-list))
(reverse result-list))
The list I'm working on in my application has about 40,000 sub-lists.
Will the compiler build new lists from scratch as the sequence for
prior and next in this code or will it use pointers to and from the
existing list l to do this?
On Sun, May 27, 2012 at 10:38 AM, Jens Axel Søgaard
<jensaxel at soegaard.net> wrote:
> 2012/5/27 Harry Spier <vasishtha.spier at gmail.com>:
>> Is the "for" form a macro? And if so how difficult would it be to
>> make a new form "for-with-look-around" that had built in look-back and
>> look-ahead operators (next x) (prior x) ( next?) (prior?).
>> So you could do something like:
>> ((define (running-average-of-3 l)
>> (for-with-look-around
>> ([x (in-list l)])
>> (unless? (or (prior?) (next?))
>> (displayln (/ (+ x (prior x) (next x)) 3))))))
>> From a functional programming perspective is building a form like this
>> a bad idea?
> It is a fine idea.
> Here is variation on the idea.
> (define (in-triples l)
> (define (sublists xs)
> (if (empty? xs)
> '()
> (cons xs (sublists (rest xs)))))
> (define (triple xs) (take xs 3))
> (sequence-map triple (drop-right (sublists l) 2)))
> (define (running-average-of-3 l)
> (for ([t (in-triples l)])
> (match-define (list x y z) t)
> (displayln (/ (+ x y z) 3))))
> (running-average-of-3 '(1 2 3 4 5 6))