[racket] complex sort or how to sort lines
On May 25, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Don Green wrote:
> Given the output of Racket's read-words/line function, which produces a list of lists. Each word is in a list, each group of words on a line is in a list, all within a list.
> Any ideas on how to sort on the car (first element) of each list that corresponds to a line?
> In other words, I want to sort lines based on the first word on a line. I want to keep the lines intact.
> Thanks.
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#lang racket
(require 2htdp/batch-io rackunit)
;; --- answer to your question:
(define (answer file)
(sort (read-words/line file) string<=? #:key first))
;; --- test set up
(define content
#<< eos
This is a silly sample file.
Do you think it is long enough?
Or should I add a line?
(define expected
#<< eos
Do you think it is long enough?
Or should I add a line?
This is a silly sample file.
(define file (path->string (make-temporary-file "tst~a")))
(with-output-to-file file
#:exists 'replace
(lambda ()
(for ((ch content)) (display ch))))
;; --- test
(check-equal? (with-output-to-string
(lambda ()
(for ((ln (answer file)))
(displayln (string-join ln)))))