[racket] requiring in multiple phases

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Mon May 21 14:55:08 EDT 2012

I'm wondering whether there's a standard shortcut, and, if not, whether 
there should be.

(I am pretty deep into macrology right now, hence the question. :)

Jon Rafkind wrote at 05/21/2012 02:28 PM:
> (define-syntax-rule (require-for-all req ...) (require (for-meta -1 req ...) (for-meta 0 req ...) (for-meta 1 req ...))
> (require-for-all "a.rkt" "b.rkt" "c.rkt")
> should work afaik
> On 05/21/2012 11:39 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>> If I want to "require" a module for multiple phases, is there a shortcut for that?

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