[racket] Dialog with parent frame

From: Nick Shelley (nickmshelley at gmail.com)
Date: Wed May 16 15:44:07 EDT 2012

Thanks for pointing out the 'no-sheet option. I guess I missed that in the

I played with the work-around for a bit and couldn't get it to work. If I
don't show the intermediate dialog, then the real dialog is always
displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen. If I do show the
intermediate dialog first, the real one is either shown underneath the
intermediate one or I can't see either one (I think it depends on what I
have in my intermediate dialog).

Anyway, I'm sure there's something I can do to get it to work, but I think
I'll just wait for the 'no-sheet fix to be pushed since what I'm working on
isn't very urgent.

Thanks again for responding.

On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 7:38 AM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:

> At Wed, 9 May 2012 20:06:15 -0600, Nick Shelley wrote:
> > When I assign a frame as a dialog's parent, the title of the dialog isn't
> > shown, but when I leave the parent as #f, the dialog shows up in the
> middle
> > of the screen even though the window may be in a totally different place.
> > Is there a way to have a frame as the parent and still have the title
> > displayed?
> >
> > I'm running on OS X Lion and I just compiled from the latest source with
> > the default parameters.
> The `dialog%' class supports a 'no-sheet style, but it was broken. I'll
> push a repair.
> Meanwhile, you can hack around the problem by creating an intermediate
> dialog that is a child of the frame, then make your real dialog a child
> of the intermediate dialog.
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