[racket] plots/graphics without drscheme

From: Neil Toronto (neil.toronto at gmail.com)
Date: Fri May 11 14:07:36 EDT 2012

On 05/11/2012 11:44 AM, prad wrote:
> i'm not using drscheme.
> how do i display things like
> (object:2d-view% ...)
> which are produced when we use plot etc.
> if i run a racket program from command line?
> i thought there might be something like a show function, but it doesn't
> seem to be in
> #lang racket

Start your interactions with `(plot-new-window? #t)' (without the 
quotes). Every call to `plot' or `plot3d' will then display the plot in 
a new frame.

It sounds like you don't need programmatic control over the frames, but 
if you do, use `plot-frame' and `plot3d-frame'.

Neil ⊥

Posted on the users mailing list.