[racket] Custom Key Bindings - Post Your File

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu May 10 20:49:27 EDT 2012

FWIW, run and reindent are already menu-key based shortcuts (r and i
respectively) so they should be available already (unless you're on
windows and you've disabled menu keyboard shortcuts). For reindent you
can hit tab, and DrRacket re-indents the line you're on or the
selection (if it is more than one line). For check syntax, I recommend
you enable online check syntax and then you don't have to hit any key
at all to get that to work.


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Ray Racine <ray.racine at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm attempting this weekend to make the leap from my beloved Emacs and
> Geiser to DrRacket.    Was wondering if anyone has a cool set of custom
> keybindings they'd like to share.
> Some I'd like to get my hands on are:
> 1. binding for reindent / reindent all.
> 2. binding for Check Syntax button equivalent.
> 3. binding for Run button equivalent.
> Three below I just pieced together.
> ;; insert λ
> (keybinding "c:\\" (λ (editor evt) (send editor insert "λ")))
> ;; close
> (keybinding "c:q" (λ (editor evt)
>                     (send (send editor get-top-level-window)
> close-current-tab)))
> ;; open a new tab
> (keybinding "c:t" (λ (editor evt) (send (send editor get-top-level-window)
> create-new-tab))
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