[racket] `def' ?

From: Greg Hendershott (greghendershott at gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 10 11:54:38 EDT 2012

Should `def' be added as an alias for `define'?

Possible reasons why:
1. Most frequently used.
2. Name shortening seems to be a current theme.
3. The new style guide prefers `define' over `let'.

Re 3 I like the less-indented benefit of `define' instead of `let'.
OTOH it's more verbose.

Speaking of which, it also might be handy to `define' multiple
identifiers in one shot, as `let' can do. (Although perhaps the syntax
would need to be ugly due to how `define' is used also to define
functions. I haven't even tried to think that through; sorry.)

Possible reasons why not:
1. It smells too much like Clojure? (Although I suppose you could
argue `define' smells like classic Scheme.)
2. ?

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