[racket] Rationale behind missing string-trim

From: Chad Albers (calbers at neomantic.com)
Date: Wed May 9 13:23:11 EDT 2012

If my require reads as follows

(require racket/base
       (for-syntax racket/base

I get the following error message:

module: identifier already imported from: racket at: string-upcase in:

'string-upcase' is both in Racket's string API and is srfi 13.

Chad Albers

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:

> What conflict do you have?
> The following works for me:
> #lang racket
> (require srfi/13) ; comment me
> (string->list "auie")
> whether or not you comment the require line (string->list is defined in
> both racket and srfi/13)
> Laurent
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 5:12 PM, Chad Albers <calbers at neomantic.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having a long running discussion with my colleagues about the
>> practically of scheme.  I've argued that it is, and using Racket Scheme to
>> prove my point.   However, on the other side of the debate, I've noticed
>> that Racket's string API is missing what I consider to be a extremely
>> practical procedure - string-trim.  This procedure is actually in srfi 13.
>> While I can 'require' srfi13, I can't import it as is, because sfri-13's
>> procedures overlap Racket's string procedures.  I believe Racket's require
>> feature allows me to just import those procedures I need from srfi 13, but
>> I find that kind of awkward.
>> My question is, then, why would such a practical procedure missing from
>> Racket's string API?
>> --
>> Chad
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