[racket] idioms for abstracting over definitions

From: Vincent St-Amour (stamourv at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue May 8 09:20:30 EDT 2012

Here's one way to do it:

(define-values (top-right-x top-right-y)
  (let ()
    (define (mk x?)
      (lambda (a-grid-plane a-cell)
        (match-define (cell row-pos col-pos) a-cell)
        (define cell-size (grid-plane->cell-size a-grid-plane))
        (match-define (size cell-w cell-h) cell-size)
        (if x?
            (+ cell-w (* col-pos cell-w))
            (* row-pos cell-w))))
    (values (mk #t) (mk #f))))

You define an internal helper, `mk', that returns `top-right-x' or
`top-right-y' depending on it's input. You then use it to generate both
functions and bind them with `define-values'.

If you prefer currying:

(define-values (top-right-x top-right-y)
  (let ()
    (define ((mk x?) a-grid-plane a-cell)
      (match-define (cell row-pos col-pos) a-cell)
      (define cell-size (grid-plane->cell-size a-grid-plane))
      (match-define (size cell-w cell-h) cell-size)
      (if x?
          (+ cell-w (* col-pos cell-w))
          (* row-pos cell-w)))
    (values (mk #t) (mk #f))))

Unfortunately, the `let' is necessary here because `define-values' only
accepts one body element.

At Mon, 7 May 2012 17:41:12 -0400,
Patrick Mahoney wrote:
> [1  <multipart/alternative (7bit)>]
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> #|
> Hello all, in a quest for greater concision, I'm looking for a way to
> abstract over the following code containing mostly definitions. Is there an
> accepted practice for abstraction over definition introduction?|#
> (define top-right-x
>   (lambda (a-grid-plane a-cell)
> ;;The next three definitions are what I am looking to abstract over, as
> they show up in many similarly defined functions.|#
>     (match-define (cell row-pos col-pos) a-cell)
>     (define cell-size (grid-plane->cell-size a-grid-plane))
>     (match-define (size cell-w cell-h) cell-size)
>     (+ cell-w
>        (* col-pos cell-w))))
> (define top-right-y
>   (lambda (a-grid-plane a-cell)
>     (match-define (cell row-pos col-pos) a-cell)
>     (define cell-size (grid-plane->cell-size a-grid-plane))
>     (match-define (size cell-w cell-h) cell-size)
>     (* row-pos cell-w)))
> #|How should I approach this? are my options parameters, leaving as is, a
> with- macro?
> Much appreciated all,
> -Patrick
> |#
> [1.2  <text/html; UTF-8 (quoted-printable)>]
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