[racket] Snips displaying pdfs

From: Michael W (mwilber at uccs.edu)
Date: Mon May 7 21:13:56 EDT 2012

Sure, but I mean, is there a better way to get at a dc<%>'s cairo
context than (require racket/draw/private/local) ? From what I
understand, those areas aren't meant to be used by third-party
libraries, and definitely not by planet packages. Not all dc<%>s
are even backed by cairo contexts...

16 minutes ago, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> Three hours ago, Michael W wrote:
> > 
> > I'm not rasterizing to a bitmap% or anything like that. Instead,
> > I'm asking poppler to draw directly to the dc<%>'s cairo context
> > (Eli and Matthew are probably cringing), which means that you can
> > render to arbitrary dc<%> objects at the cost of being much more
> > hacky than your version.
> I don't know about "hacky" -- it just sounds like it'll invoke the
> library for every redraw, which would be overall slower than going
> through a bitmap that saves the results.

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