[racket] Newline problem

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Sat May 5 11:37:40 EDT 2012

jkaczorek at aol.pl wrote at 05/05/2012 11:31 AM:
> Saving a newline into a file doesn’t work (windows7 racket 5.2.1). I 
> have tried it on several ways:
> I have used (displayln port), (newline port) , fprintf with ~n and ~% 
> - all without an accurate result.
> It is interesting that the same code works right In another 
> environment (racket 5.1.1 on linux).

Does using the "#:mode 'text" keyword argument to procedures like 
"open-output-file" solve the problem?

Neil V.

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