[racket] DrRacket not starting today
Holy Baloney! It's the same here on Windows Vista at work!
the console:
read-bitmap: expects type <path-string or input-port> as 1st argument, given: '#
(#<procedure:draw-honu> 270 270); other arguments were: 'unknown/alpha #f #t
=== context ===
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\racket\draw\private\bitmap.rkt:841:0: read-bitm
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\drracket\private\drracket-normal.rkt: [running
C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\drracket\drracket.rkt: [running body]
[Exited. Close box or Ctrl-C closes the console.]
On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 1:00 PM, mulhern <mulhern at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Running a Mac 10.6.8 and current version of DrRacket won't start on it today.
> racket runs just fine and also DrRacket v5.0.2.
> Here's a trace of the problem as best I can get trying to start it from the command line.
> /Applications/Racket\ v5.2.1/bin/drracket ; exit;
> read-bitmap: expects type <path-string or input-port> as 1st argument, given: '#(#<procedure:draw-honu> 270 270); other arguments were: 'unknown/alpha #f #t
> === context ===
> /Applications/Racket v5.2.1/collects/racket/draw/private/bitmap.rkt:841:0: read-bitmap
> /Applications/Racket v5.2.1/collects/drracket/private/drracket-normal.rkt: [running body]
> /Applications/Racket v5.2.1/collects/drracket/drracket.rkt: [running body]
> And also a question.
> What's the best way to report a bug in DrRacket when DrRacket won't start up to give you the handy bug reporting facility it contains?
> Thanks!
> - mulhern
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