[racket] Getting started with Scribble
I'm sort of thinking along the lines of Haskell's version of literate
programming, where if you use the file suffix of lhs instead of hs, rather
than having a file that is mostly code with occasional comments, you can
easily write a document that is mostly text with occasional code. In that
mode, by default, a line is treated as text unless it has a > at the
beginning of the line to indicate it is code.
I was under the impression that with Scribble, I could do something similar
(mostly text, but with occasional code blocks), but would have the
additional benefits of Scribble's mark-up capabilities. I see now that
that's not precisely how Scribble is intended to be used.
I'm interested because I've asked a student to turn a program into a highly
readable document, and I want to give her some simple options. I thought
this would be the perfect way to have a runnable program, but also be able
to generate a great-looking html page.
scribble/lp is related, but more involved to use. Specifically, I just
tried it and it doesn't seem to work with the scribble html button that
appears in DrRacket. I keep getting the following error:
scribble: loading xref
scribble: rendering
reference to an identifier before its definition: doc
Maybe it only works via lp-include?
On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 7:32 PM, Robby Findler
<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>wrote:
> What you're asking for is not what Scribble does, mostly speaking.
> Running a scribble program just builds a datastructure for the
> rendering process.
> You might try the scribble/lp library, tho. I think that comes closest.
> Robby
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