[racket] "variadic"nested for?

From: rob cook (heycarnut at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Mar 13 19:19:25 EDT 2012

I'd like to be able to create a nested for where the depth of nesting is
determined dynamically.

For example, instead of

(for* ((a '(0 1)) (b '(0 1))) (printf "~v~v " a b))

I could just say

(myfor (2  '(0 1)) <body with some means of extracting nested values>).

such that the above as  (myfor (3  '(0 1)) <body with some means of
extracting nested values>). would allow me to effect the result:

((for* ((a '(0 1)) (b '(0 1)) (c '(0 1))) (printf "~v~v~v " a b c))

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