[racket] accessing serial communications on Racket/Windows?...
Section 12.1.5 of the docs suggests that it should be possible to use
file ports for accessing serial communications, such as
(define-values (inport outport) (open-input-output-file "com1"))
That works, but
> inport
and likewise
> outport
which means in theory and practice that Racket creates a file called
com1 in that directory to which the I/O is performed instead of using
the serial port. I tried uppercase and lowercase as well as /./COM1,
all with the same results (except that sometimes the port was created
in the root). So how does the file name have to be specified to
redirect the I/O to a serial port?
On a related note, is it possible to access/set the comm parameters
(baud rate, handshaking and so on) of a specified port using Racket?
Thanks again.