[racket] Survey of parsing libraries for Racket?
> Incidentally, I'm not sure of the performance implications, but I like the
> idea of having the parser for a programming language translate the syntax
> objects to sexp-like syntax objects promptly, and then "syntax-parse" the
> heck out of that newly sexp-encoded language to turn it into Racket code.
That's just crazy talk.
It's completely unreasonable to expect something like this, to have a
file called "calc.rkt"
;; calc.rkt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
#lang planet dyoo/autogrammar/lalr
expr : term ('+' term)*
term : factor ('*' factor)*
factor : INT
and expect to be able to use that as a language:
#lang racket/base
(require "calc.rkt"
(prefix-in : parser-tools/lex-sre))
(define lex/1
(lexer-src-pos [(:+ numeric) (token-INT lexeme)]
["*" (token-* lexeme)]
["+" (token-+ lexeme)]
[whitespace (return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
[(eof) (token-EOF eof)]))
(define (tokenize ip)
(port-count-lines! ip)
(lambda () (lex/1 ip)))
(parse "a-sample-program"
(tokenize (open-input-string "3 * 4 + 5 * 6")))
and just have it work and produce syntax objects.