[racket] Survey of parsing libraries for Racket?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 10 17:06:58 EST 2012

Danny, perhaps you should find out from your colleagues at Brown why 
they switched away from our parser tools. My recollection is that the
Haskell tools were "better" for some unspecified value of the word. 
Once we know what is better about them, it might be possible to fix
our tool set so that this frequently asked question doesn't have to 
be asked all that often anymore -- Matthias

On Mar 10, 2012, at 3:06 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm doing a little vanity project that requires a nice, robust parser.
> I don't know which parser I should be using, though.  Here's what
> I've found:
>    * There's the standard parser-tools library.
>      http://docs.racket-lang.org/parser-tools/index.html
>    * There's an undocumented collection called "combinator-parser".
>    * On PLaneT, I see: David van Horn's "Packrat" and Bonzai Labs's
> "parseq" libraries.
>      http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=packrat.plt&owner=dvanhorn
>      http://planet.racket-lang.org/display.ss?package=parseq.plt&owner=bzlib]
>   * On Github, I see Jon Rafkind's "Pegs" library
>     https://github.com/kazzmir/Pegs
> I don't know if I've missed other significant packages.
> For people who have used these libraries, how was the experience?
> Basically, I'm trying to find something powerful and stable to work
> with.
> ____________________
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