[racket] Google Summer of Code 2012 Ideas

From: Nevo (sakur.deagod at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 5 20:08:48 EST 2012

Hi all!
  I don't quite follow how Racket web app framework has grown for some
period, so not sure this may look appropriate as an potential GSoc idea.
Currently there's open PaaS platform named cloudfoundry (
www.cloudfoundry.com). It's a real cloud platform and developers could use
the supported frameworks/runtimes/tools to create/deploy a cloud app in a
very fast way without the need of caring the underlying infrastructure
setup. At this moment, Ruby/Java/Scala/Node.js are officially supported,
although PhP/Python are also added by thirdparty company. Cloudfoundry
source is in https://github.com/cloudfoundry and it provides a MicroCloud
env (a VM) to facilitate the development of in-house app. So this looks
like a place for Racket to go since it does have a modern well designed web
framework as well as a powerful language.
  As a quick reference, here're how Python and PHP work in case you cannot
find them from the official page.




On 2 March 2012 06:21, Asumu Takikawa <asumu at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We are currently putting together an application as a mentoring
> organization for the Google Summer of Code 2012, which is a summer
> program in which Google pays students to work on open source/free
> software projects.
> As part of the application, we are currently collecting project ideas
> for our "ideas page" that gives applying students ideas for projects
> that can be completed in 12 weeks. If you have any ideas along these
> lines, please contribute to our wiki page:
> https://github.com/plt/racket/wiki/SoC-Ideas-2012
> Feel free to add ideas even if you don't have time to mentor a student.
> Please add each idea separately and follow the template on the page.
> The deadline for our application is Fri, March 9. If you have any
> project ideas, please add them by then. Thanks.
> Cheers,
> Asumu
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