[racket] Fwd: Re: Is this a good design
Op 2-3-2012 10:37, Pierpaolo Bernardi schreef:
> On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 09:41, Roelof Wobben<r.wobben at home.nl> wrote:
>> I did some study on that chapter but I cannnot make it work,
>> This is what I have so far :
>> ;;String -> String
>> ;; Get the first character of a string (s) if there is one. error otherwise.
>> ;; given "aaaa" expected "a"
>> ;; given "" expected "
>> (define (first-string s)
>> (cond
>> [(eq? s "") (error "first-string" "Empty string found")] ;; check for
>> a empty string.if so put a error message
>> [(and (string? s) (not(eq? s ""))) (string-ith s 0)] ;; if
>> it's a non-empty string then do the trick.
>> [(number? s) (error "first-string" "No string found")] ;; if it's a
>> number then put a error message
>> [(boolean? s) (error "first-string" "No string found")] ;; if it's a
>> boolean then put a error message
>> [(image? s) (error "first string" "No string found")] ;; if it's
>> a image put a error message
>> ))
>> But when I do (first-string ") then still DrRacket gives his own error
>> message instead of the one I made.
>> Any tips are welcome here.
> The immediate problem is that eq? is not the right predicate for
> checking for empty strings. Use string=? or string-length.
> Once fixed this, what happens if you call (first-string '(a b c)) ?
> P.
Thanks ,
This works in Windows well.
When I do (first-string ' ( a b c)) I see this error message : quote:
expected the name of the symbol after the quote, but found a part
I see I made a error. With String -> String I only have to check for
empty strings so i can delete the (string?s) (boolean?s) (image?s)
('number?s) parts.