[racket] Is this a good design
Op 2-3-2012 9:51, Danny Yoo schreef:
> > I did some study on that chapter but I cannnot make it work,
> > This is what I have so far :
> >
> > ;;String -> String
> > ;; Get the first character of a string (s) if there is one. error
> otherwise.
> > ;; given "aaaa" expected "a"
> > ;; given "" expected "
> > (define (first-string s)
> > (cond
> > [(eq? s "") (error "first-string" "Empty string found")] ;;
> check for a empty string.if so put a error message
> > [(and (string? s) (not(eq? s ""))) (string-ith s 0)]
> ;; if it's a non-empty string then do the trick.
> > [(number? s) (error "first-string" "No string found")] ;; if
> it's a number then put a error message
> > [(boolean? s) (error "first-string" "No string found")] ;; if
> it's a boolean then put a error message
> > [(image? s) (error "first string" "No string found")] ;;
> if it's a image put a error message
> > ))
> >
> > But when I do (first-string ") then still DrRacket gives his own
> error message instead of the one I made.
> > Any tips are welcome here.
> What is the exact content of the error message that DrRacket gives you?
Very wierd.
On my windows box I see this message appear : string-ith: expected an
exact integer in [0, length of the given string] for the second
argument, but received 0
On my linux box it worked well and I see what I expected.