[racket] why is the comparimng always false

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 29 17:57:50 EDT 2012

On Jun 29, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Stephen Bloch wrote:

> Another thing I recommend: every time you write a define-struct, write down (in comments) the contracts for all the functions it gives you for free.
> For example,
> ; a person has a forename and a family-name (both strings), and a birth-year (a number).
> (define-struct person forename family-name birth-year)
> ; make-person : string string number -> person
> ; person-forename : person -> string
> ; person-family-name : person -> string
> ; person-birth-year : person -> number
> ; person? : anything -> boolean

He tried so let me propose a slightly different format: 

make-person ; string string number -> person 
person-forename ; person -> string 
                +------ please do notice the semicolon here; the rest of these lines are comments 

This will ensure he gets the names right. 

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