[racket] exercise's question
On Jun 26, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Roelof Wobben wrote:
> Sorry for the confusion.
> I meant exercise 87 and 88 on the stable version of HtpD/2e.
> So the questions I have should be :
> Is it correct that on exercise 87 of How to design Programms I have to make 2 gauges and two animals.
> And is exercise 88 part 1 not the same as exercise 56 ?
> Roelof
I usually don't send out rich-text emails so sorry:
Exercise 87: ...
Design a world program that works with both cats and chameleons:
; A VAnimal is either
; – a VCat
; – a VCham
Design a virtual pet program that supports both a virtual cat and a virtual chameleon.
The underline/bold should help -- Matthias
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