[racket] how must I interpreted this exercise
That means that the distance is de square of x^2 + y^2
Then I can make this exercise.
Thanks. Following the book when Englisch is not your mother language can
be diffucult sometimes.
Op 23-6-2012 16:18, Matthias Felleisen schreef:
> Origin means (0,0) or plain 0 in English.
> On Jun 22, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Roelof Wobben wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I try to make this exercise :
>> Exercise 76: A programmer has chosen to represent locations as
>> Cartesian points or just points:
>> ;Location is one of:
>> ;–Posn
>> ;–Number
>> ;interp. Posn are positions on the Cartesian grid,
>> ;Numbers are positions on the number line
>> Design the function in-reach, which determines whether or not a given
>> location’s distance to the origin is strictly less than some constantR.
>> So I must design a function called in-reach.
>> Am I right I need to use two structs (Posn) . One for the given
>> location and one for the origon ?
>> Regards,
>> Roelof
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