[racket] How to associate a custom syntax color lexer with a new module language
That might be it. I thought that the get-info business avoided
the need of an info.rkt file.
Jens Axel
2012/6/22 Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>:
> One thing that's easy to forget is to re-run 'raco setup' to register
> the info.rkt's keys.
> Robby
> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:08 AM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at hashcollision.org> wrote:
>>> However it seems that DrRacket never calls the get-info function in question.
>>> To check this, I added a displayln call to print a message each get-info
>>> is called, and I never see any output from this.
>> Odd; I'm seeing output! So I can't duplicate what you're seeing:
>> DrRacket appears to be running the get-info function on my end.
>> Here's what I'm seeing on the console when I try running on one of
>> your test files "testing.rkt":
>> ---
>> kepler ~/work/bracket/bracket/lang $ drracket ../tests/testing.rkt
>> (reader/get-info #<input-port> bracket/lang/reader #f #f 1)
>> (reader/get-info drracket:toolbar-buttons #f)
>> (reader/get-info drscheme:toolbar-buttons #f)
>> (reader/get-info drracket:opt-out-toolbar-buttons ())
>> (reader/get-info #<input-port> bracket/lang/reader #f #f 1)
>> close
>> close
>> (reader/get-info #<input-port> bracket/lang/reader #f #f 1)
>> (reader/get-info #<input-port> bracket/lang/reader 1 0 1)
>> (reader/get-info color-lexer #f)
>> exception in colorer thread: #(struct:exn:fail:contract:arity "context
>> expected 1 value, received 5 values: \"\\n\" 'white-space #f
>> #<position> #<position>" #<continuation-mark-set>)
>> === context ===
>> /home/dyoo/local/racket-5.2.1/lib/racket/collects/syntax-color/module-lexer.rkt:25:0:
>> module-lexer
>> /home/dyoo/local/racket-5.2.1/lib/racket/collects/framework/private/racket.rkt:1281:26
>> /home/dyoo/local/racket-5.2.1/lib/racket/collects/framework/private/color.rkt:292:4:
>> re-tokenize method in ...rk/private/color.rkt:66:2
>> /home/dyoo/local/racket-5.2.1/lib/racket/collects/framework/private/color.rkt:455:17
>> ____________________
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Jens Axel Søgaard