[racket] Racket Social/Support Groups in London

From: Tim Brown (tim.brown at cityc.co.uk)
Date: Wed Jun 13 12:26:44 EDT 2012

Paulo J. Matos wrote:
> On 11/06/12 10:06, Tim Brown wrote:
>> Folks,
>> Are there any racket (or scheme) social groups in London,
>> Surrey or the South East of England?
> Is Cambridge good enough? :)

It's pushing it... but what have you to offer?


Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk>  | City Computing Limited            |
T: +44 20 8770 2110                | City House, Sutton Park Road      |
F: +44 20 8770 2130                | Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2AE, GB       |
BEAUTY:  What's in your eye when you have a bee in your hand           |
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