[racket] file-position and source-location-position
At Wed, 06 Jun 2012 23:43:25 -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
> Question: A number for source location position of a syntax object is
> what file-position would say after the first character of the syntax had
> been read?
It's what `port-next-location' reports, which is the same as
`file-position' afterward only if the source is ASCII or line counting
isn't enabled.
> I'm double-checking before I code this into an API. I see in
> "http://doc.racket-lang.org/reference/linecol.html" the statement
> "Position and line locations are numbered from 1; column locations are
> numbered from 0." I would've expected position to be from 0 (like
> "file-position"), and line and column to both possibly be from 1 (like
> most programming tools use), but at least for line and column to use the
> same base.
I guess I consulted Emacs for the numbering convention. The top-left
corner of an Emacs buffer is line 1, column 0, character (i.e.,
position) 1.