[racket] Macro for code organisation
I have a data-structure called pixel-graph representing a collection
of graphs. The data-structure is a vector of structs, each struct
representing a node in a graph. There is a main function called
"blobify" that determines which nodes are connected in a single graph
and assigns a graph number to those nodes. This main function uses
helper functions which are internally defined within the main
function, so that the name of the data-structure doesn't need to be
passed to each helper function each time it is called. And after all
these internal defines there is a simple loop through the nodes in the
So the code looks something like this.
#lang racket
(define (blobify pixel-graph)
;Helper functions
(define (blobify-connected-nodes node-number)
...refers to pixel-graph and
the other helper functions...)
(define (get-node node-number)
..refers to pixel-graph...)
(define (set-node-blob-number! node)
...refers to pixel-graph)
(define (compare-node-numbers node1 node2)
...refers to pixel-graph...)
;main loop
(for ([current-strip pixel-graph])
(blobify-connected-nodes current-strip)))
This works fine, but I was wondering if for readability macros could
be use to set up a kind of "internal require" of the helper functions
so I could have the main loop before the internal definitions of the
helper functions it refers to.
Harry Spier