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From: ()
Date: Fri Jul 13 09:02:16 EDT 2012

;; use.rkt
#lang racket
(require "def.rkt")

As expected this prints:


But if you open a REPL and type those exact lines one by one, it fails
at the last line:

$ racket
Welcome to Racket v5.3.
-> (require "def.rkt")
-> (define-foo)
-> foo
-> (foo)
; alist->form-urlencoded.11: undefined;
;  cannot reference undefined identifier
; [,bt for context]
-> ,bt
; alist->form-urlencoded.11: undefined;
;  cannot reference undefined identifier
;   context...:
;    /Applications/Racket_v5.3/collects/xrepl/xrepl.rkt:1341:0
;    /Applications/Racket_v5.3/collects/racket/private/misc.rkt:87:7

The `foo' procedure is defined; good. But when called, the procedure
body thinks `alist->form-urlencoded' is undefined, it wasn't imported
by the (require net/uri-codec).

(Same thing in a fresh Expressions pane in DrRacket; so not e.g.
related to XREPL or whatever).

Huh ... ?

Back in use.rkt, I can use the macro stepper to expand, and it's what I expect:

(module use racket
   (require "def.rkt")
   (begin (require net/uri-codec) (define (foo)
(alist->form-urlencoded '((a . "1")))))

I can also cut and paste that into the REPL, then require that module,
which works:

-> (module use racket
      (require "def.rkt")
      (begin (require net/uri-codec) (define (foo)
(alist->form-urlencoded '((a . "1")))))
-> (require 'use)

So seems it must be the case that a (require "def.rkt") expands
differently in the REPL. But I can't use the macro stepper in the
REPL. (Or can I, somehow?)

Does anyone have any suggestions what's happening and how I could fix
this?  Or should I close the issue unfixed, "as-designed"? o_O

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