[racket] Different mutable vectors for each thread

From: Eric Dobson (endobson at cs.brown.edu)
Date: Sun Jul 15 02:11:56 EDT 2012

I think thread-cells are enough, you just need to do the allocation yourself.

#lang racket

(define get-thread-local-vector
  (let ()
    (define vector-cell (make-thread-cell #f))
    (lambda ()
      (or (thread-cell-ref vector-cell)
          (let ((vec (vector 0 1)))
            (thread-cell-set! vector-cell vec)

(vector-set! (get-thread-local-vector) 0 'new-value)
(void (sync (thread (lambda () (print (get-thread-local-vector)) (newline)))))


'#(new-value 1)
'#(0 1)

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 10:50 PM, Neil Toronto <neil.toronto at gmail.com> wrote:
> To head off wrong answers: It's not thread cells. By themselves, they're not
> enough. Making them "preserved" also isn't the answer.
> I'd like a thread-cell-like thing that gives each thread its own mutable
> vector. Here's why thread cells don't work:
> #lang racket
> (define v (make-thread-cell (vector 0 1)))
> (sync (thread (λ () (vector-set! (thread-cell-ref v) 0 6))))
> (thread-cell-ref v)
> Output:
> #<thread>
> '#(6 1)
> Clearly, both the created thread and the runtime thread access the same
> vector.
> Not only do I need this, but I need repeated access to the per-thread
> vectors to be faster than allocating a new one. Ideally, after the first
> access, they'd allocate nothing.
> Any ideas?
> Neil ⊥
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