[racket] what's the best way to make auxilery functions here.
I have this function :
; Vzoo -> Vzoo
; function which alters the happiness and x-coordinate based on the
ticks of the computer.
(check-expect (tock (make-VZoo (make-VCat 500 5 "rechts") (make-VCham
450 5 "rechts"))) (make-VZoo (make-VCat 503 4.9 "rechts")(make-VCham 453
4.9 "rechts")))
(check-expect (tock (make-VZoo (make-VCat 500 5 "rechts") (make-VCham
1032 5 "rechts"))) (make-VZoo (make-VCat 503 4.9 "rechts")(make-VCham
1032 4.9 "links")))
(check-expect (tock (make-VZoo (make-VCat 500 5 "rechts") (make-VCham
1032 5 "links"))) (make-VZoo (make-VCat 503 4.9 "rechts") (make-VCham
1029 4.9 "links")))
(check-expect (tock (make-VZoo (make-VCat 500 5 "rechts") (make-VCham
500 5 "links"))) (make-VZoo (make-VCat 503 4.9 "rechts")(make-VCham 497
4.9 "links")))
(define (tock s)
[ (and ( < ( VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s)) bovengrens-cham ) (< (VCat-X
(VZoo-VCat s)) bovengrens-cat) (string=? (VCham-R (VZoo-VCham s))
"rechts") (string=? (VCat-R (VZoo-VCat s)) "rechts"))
(make-VZoo (make-VCat (+ (VCat-X (VZoo-VCat s)) 3) (- (VCat-H
(VZoo-VCat s)) 0.1) "rechts")(make-VCham (+(VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s))3)
(-(VCham-H (VZoo-VCham s)) 0.1) "rechts"))]
[ (and ( > ( VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s)) bovengrens-cham ) (< (VCat-X
(VZoo-VCat s)) bovengrens-cat) (string=? (VCham-R (VZoo-VCham s))
"rechts") (string=? (VCat-R (VZoo-VCat s)) "rechts"))
(make-VZoo (make-VCat (+ (VCat-X (VZoo-VCat s) 3) (- (VCat-H
(VZoo-VCat s)) 0.1) "rechts")(make-VCham (VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s))
(-(VCham-H (VZoo-VCham s)) 0.1) "links"))]
[ (and ( > ( VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s)) ondergrens-cham ) (< (VCat-X
(VZoo-VCat s)) bovengrens-cat) (string=? (VCham-R (VZoo-VCham s))
"links") (string=? (VCat-R (VZoo-VCat s)) "rechts"))
(make-VZoo (make-VCat (+ (VCat-X (VZoo-VCat s)) 3) (- (VCat-H
(VZoo-VCat s)) 0.1) "rechts" )(make-VCham (-(VCham-X (VZoo-VCham s))3)
(-(VCham-H (VZoo-VCham s)) 0.1) "links"))]
I see that + and later on -3 are always there and that happiness is
always - 0,1
Now I can make auxilery functions :
add-happiness ( number) increase-x (number) decrease-x (number) etc.
but then things are not more readable as now I believe.
But I wonder if I can make better auxilery functions.
I do know have the knowlegde to make itemization functions so that not a
right answer for me.
I work in DrRacket with the beginning student language.