[racket] Drawing PostScript file on slideshow

From: Yoshimoto Haruhiro (accalyne at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jul 4 00:42:35 EDT 2012

Thanks for quick response.
The solution worked. It was sufficient for me.
I would convert from EPS to PDF, and use the library.

2012/7/4 Michael Wilber <mwilber at uccs.edu>:
> I don't know of any ways to import vector graphics in the standard
> library. Maybe an official developer can give pointers.
> There's a "pdf-render" package on planet. It's just FFI bindings to
> libpoppler. It only works on linux though, and who knows how stable it
> is.
> #lang racket
> (require slideshow/pict
>          (planet gcr/pdf-render))
> (show-pict (page->pict "oopsla04-gff.pdf"))
> http://planet.racket-lang.org/package-source/gcr/pdf-render.plt/2/2/planet-docs/main/index.html
> On Wed, 4 Jul 2012 12:19:37 +0900, Yoshimoto Haruhiro <accalyne at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm using Racket 5.2.1 on Gentoo Linux.
>> Is there any way to draw PostScript or EPS (or some other vector
>> image) file as pict data in slideshow?
>> I know that it is possible to draw PNG file by using (bitmap ..) function.
>> However, if i convert EPS to PNG and print it as PostScript, i see a
>> jaggy when zoomed-in since it is not a vector image anymore.
>> I want to avoid the problem.
>> Thanks.
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