[racket] What is a comparable rkt code for curl command with HTTP Auth?
Thanks for the tip on base64-encode newline 'feature'. Kinda stuff
that takes long to figure out on one's own.
As for inspecting what curl is sending out, I modified the code from
More: Systems Programming with Racket tutorial a bit:
(define (handle in out)
(copy-port in out)
(display "bye" out))
Voila! I get back:
Authorization: Basic YWJjOmVmZw==
User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0) libcurl/7.19.7
OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.3
Host: localhost:8080
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 64
{"score": 1337, "playerName": "Sean Plott", "cheatMode": false }
(I digress but the last line does not seem to get executed; "bye" is missing. )
Anyhow, my code now looks like:
(define (my-header u p)
(let ([auth (bytes->string/utf-8
(regexp-replace #rx#"[\r\n]+$"
(format "~a:~a" u p)))
(list "POST /echo HTTP/1.1"
(format "Authorization: Basic ~a" auth)
"User-Agent: curl/7.19.7 (universal-apple-darwin10.0)
libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8r zlib/1.2.3"
"Accept: */*")))
(define (save-remote! data)
(let ([URL (string->url "https://pixbyfunc.appspot.com/echo")]
[DATA (string->bytes/utf-8
(alist->form-urlencoded `((msg . ,(format "~a" data))
(a . "a"))))]
[HEADER (my-header "user" "pwd")])
;port is closed automatically
(call/input-url URL
(lambda (url)
(post-pure-port url DATA HEADER))
(lambda (port)
(port->string port)))))
(save-remote! "hello-world")
I do get back "hello-world". How exciting, eh? (I had to hide json
part for the current 'echo' server and content related header.) A
step closer to interacting with Parse.com, it seems.
As far as Wireshark goes (I believe this is the second time you
recommended it), I will give a try at some point. It just happened
that I re-read the tutorial this morning and the material seemed to
make more sense so I gave it a try.
Thanks a ton.
On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 1:35 AM, Neil Van Dyke <neil at neilvandyke.org> wrote:
> Two things to do:
> 1. "base64-encode" produces a newline at the end, which you probably want to
> remove somehow:
> #lang racket/base
> (require net/base64)
> (base64-encode #"user:pwd")
> ;==> #"dXNlcjpwd2Q=\r\n"
> (regexp-replace #rx#"[\r\n]+$" (base64-encode #"user:pwd") "")
> ;==> #"dXNlcjpwd2Q="
> 2. Your debugging will be much easier if you can see the actual protocol
> between client and server. My favorite tool for this is Wireshark, which is
> Free Software. Then you can compare the protocol of your "curl" example
> with your Racket one.
> --
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/