[racket] for/hash: bad syntax in: for/hash
for/hash is giving me a syntax-error, but the error is in macro-expanded
code which is not shown by default and which is also seemingly
inaccessible via the macro-stepper. The for/hash expression works
outside my macro, so I guess it's my fault, but it would help if the
syntax-error could be a bit more informative. The code:
#lang racket
(require "dependent-boxes.rkt")
;;; this fails
(define model
(for/hash ((y years))
(- (hash-ref income y 0)
(hash-ref expenses y 0) )))) )))
;;; this works fine
(define years '(1 2 3))
(define income '#hash((1 . 100)(2 . 90)(3 . 70)) )
(define expenses '#hash((1 . 100)(2 . 90)(3 . 70)) )
(for/hash ((y years))
(values y (- (hash-ref income y 0)
(hash-ref expenses y 0) )))
The error:
$ racket test-for.rkt
test-for.rkt:12:6: for/hash: bad syntax in: for/hash
=== context ===
Some help would be appreciated.
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