[racket] Is this a good design
You ignored part of what Asumu said, which (to paraphrase) is that your
program should live and die by its contract. When you write down:
> String -> String
> you're saying this program consumes a String and produces a String.
> If somebody applies your program to something that is *not* a string,
> they (not you) messed up by not using your program according to the
> contract you wrote down. When somebody misuses the program, who knows
> what happens. Maybe it signals an error, maybe it produces 7, maybe
> it melts your computer. So don't bother checking that the input is a
> String; assume it is. Let bad stuff happen if it isn't.
> On the other hand, if somebody applies your program to a string and
> you produce something other than a string, well that's your fault; you
> messed up. So make sure you produce strings (on the assumption you're
> given a string).
> Asumu also pointed out the corner case of the empty string, which you
> responded to by saying you can assume the string is not empty. That's
> fine, but *write it down*. How are we to know, as reader's of your
> contract and purpose statements, that we have to provide non-empty
> strings?
> David
Wierd idea that input control is not neccesarly. I have tried C and C++
and they empasise to do input control.
But oke then this is the new function.
;String -> String
;This function takes out the first character of a given non-empty string
with the name s
; given "roelof" expect "r"
; given "example" expect "e"
(define (string-first s)
(string-ith s 0 ))