[racket] if problem
On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 12:14, ROELOF WOBBEN <r.wobben at home.nl> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have made this :
> (define (string-insert s1 i)
> (if(> (string-length s1) 0) (string-append (substring s1 0 i) "-"
> (substring s1 i (string-length s1)))))
> But on the if I get a this message :
> if: expected a question and two answers, but found only 2 parts
> So I think that the if get sonehow messed up ,
> What I try to do is this :
> When the lenght of the string is greater then 0 then take the first part of
> the string then put the - and the last part of the string. As last append
> the pieces to 1 piece.
> Without the if everything works great on non empty strings.
> Anyone a idea where I did make the wrong turn.
What should happen when the length of the string is not greater than 0?
The error message is reminding you to answer this question.