[racket] Cool things in Whalesong: RaphaelJS!

From: Neil Van Dyke (neil at neilvandyke.org)
Date: Tue Feb 28 19:00:40 EST 2012

Danny Yoo wrote at 02/28/2012 06:34 PM:
> Just in case you haven't seen it, first see the program source:
>      http://hashcollision.org/tmp/raphael-demo/raphael-demo.rkt
> Now look at the running program:
>      http://hashcollision.org/tmp/raphael-demo/raphael-demo.html

Danny, this is very encouraging for those of us who'd like to do the 
client-side JS-ish behavior of our apps in Racket, just like the HTML 
and the server side.  Perhaps mobile device apps too.

Not only should this give increased utility and longevity to current 
Racket developers, but I can see it attracting a bunch of new people to 

Keep up the excellent work on Whalesong.

And thanks to Jens for this compelling demo.  Perhaps other people are 
ready to make bindings for their favorite JS libraries, and see how that 


Posted on the users mailing list.