[racket] Splitting Racket source code by scope?
units. Define common syntax in signatures.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 11:38 AM, Rüdiger Asche wrote:
> I'd like to split the components of my Racket project into multiple files according to this structure:
> contents of file1:
> (letrec ((id1 body1)
> ...
> <contents of file2, see below>
> ...
> )
> (main execution body using id1, idx, idy...)
> )
> contents of file2:
> (idx bodyx)
> (idy bodyy)
> ...
> is that possible, and if yes how? I would probably have to define a global syntax rule in file1, load file1 in file2 and then wrap the definitions in file2 into the defined rule, or is there another way?
> Thanks!
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