[racket] Changing the background color of a GUI button.
Hi all,
How do I change the background color (and/or style of border etc.) of a GUI
button? Given the code below, what should I put in the set-state-x methods
to indicate a difference between a normal and selected button?
Also any comments on program style and/or substance are appreciated (I
apologize in advance if the layout offends).
#lang racket/gui
(define color-button%
(class button%
(inherit refresh)
(define toggle
(let ([f #f])
(lambda ()
(set! f (not f))
(define (set-state-normal)
(printf "color-button%: set-state-normal:\n")
; ??? ; set background color to normal
(define (set-state-selected)
(printf "color-button%: set-state-selected:\n")
; ??? ; set background color to red
(define click-callback
(lambda (button control-event)
(printf "color-button%: click-callback:\n")
(if (toggle)
(super-new (callback click-callback))
(define f (new frame%
[label "Colored Button"]
[min-width 100]
[min-height 200]
(define b (new color-button%
[parent f]
[label "push me"]
(send f show #t)
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